Normal and Priority for those panic moments. Prices start from £100.

We convert Word and pdf documents into accessible formats.

Additionally we provide a conversion service that can adapt literature/media into alternative formats, such as braille, large print and audio and where applicable, with embedded features to work more interactively with Assistive Technology.

  • Broaden the choices blind and visually impaired people have to engage with documents.
  • Improve on inclusive practice and accessibility for everybody.

The Detail

We provide a service that can adapt literature/media into alternative formats, and where applicable, with embedded features to work more interactively with Assistive Technology. 

These formats include:

  • Word documents - accessible for assistive technologies.
  • PDF's - accessible for assistive technologies.
  • Braille – Printed with text for sighted persons to view also.
  • Large Print – Printed or Digitally mastered interactive document or Both.
  • Audio – mp3 format using Text-To-Speech voice.

How do I buy?

  • Cost: Starts from £100
  • Requires: Purchase order or Credit card payment.
  • Delivery: Contact AAA Limited to schedule.

To discuss any of these options simply get in touch:


or telephone: ‭07496 593118‬